Friday, October 10, 2008

Politics for Friday

So here's another update in my world of politics. I did a little research on William Ayers and his connection to Obama. After reading a lot of stuff on the topic, some democratic, some republican, and some third party research sources; I don't see what the big deal is. Yea Ayers did some bad stuff in the 60s and 70s, but how does that link Obama to terrorism. Yea at one time he lived in the same neighborhood and did associate with him and even Ayers helped him insignificantly with running for offices, but how does that link him to terrorism and question his judgement. Here's a good analogy. say I live next door to an older guy who in the 60s murdered somebody. I talk to him and learn things from him. does that make me a sympathizer with what he did. I think not. The Republicans are running out of time so they figure to bring his character into question and scrutinize everything he has done wrong or questionable in his life. Everyone forgets that Ayers is still a distinguished professor at Illinois and has done a lot with education and its reform. I think I want a president who listens to somebody on education reform. Sarah Palin has been speaking a lot on this topic of Obama and Ayers when she did something very recently that was against the law. Yea she broke the law when she fired the public safety commissioner. I will defend her and say there are some unknowns in the case that could make it OK however Obama never broke the law. Anyways, I will finish on this note, make sure you are clean before you start throwing mud at other people. Peace.

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