Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Weekend

So it's Sunday now and my weekend is almost over. I sure have enjoyed this time off. I got a total of 24 hours of sleep in two nights. Yea that's right. I slept a whole day's worth of hours. There is a silver lining to this weekend coming to an end though. Only 5 more days of work for me. Woot Woot

So last night I was feeling kinda stalkerish so I decided to go by our old house to see what was going on. When I passed by I noticed somer lights on in the inside but there were no cars there. So I decided to get out and look in the kitchen window. I couldn't see much other than some cleaning stuff and their didning room chairs. So then I decided to go up to the carport to see what was going on up there. There were some folding chairs and an ice chest there. So I decided to check out the contents of the ice chest. After checking it out I left with a cold can of lemonade. It was a little weird to think that I was trespassing, but oh well. Next week I will probably stalk them some more.


celia said...

you went public with your stalking! pretty brave.

James said...

Never was good at stalking. I'm usually like "hey, I'm going to follow your every move for about a month, okay?"