Friday, September 5, 2008

Somebody to Love

So I downloaded a song by Queen that I had heard a few times, but was unclear about it. The name of the song is Somebody to Love (hence the title). I listened to it a couple of times today and I came to a realization. That song describes my life right now. So if any of you want to set me up or hook me up, go right ahead. Only thing is let's be real about the decisions we make about females. Just keep that in mind.....


celia said...

so, apparently i like to comment on every single blog you write. sorry.

but...i, for one, am glad and proud that you are moving on.

Buffy said...

I'm proud too!! Good decisions here we come! Have fun hunting! I'll see you in a a couple of weeks for some good sister bonding time!

James said...

There are plenty of DUBs in JSU that are more than willing to put out.