Monday, October 27, 2008
New Money??
So I bought a pack of cigarettes today at the gas station, and I had to break a $20. When the lady gave me my change she handed me a weird coin. She said that is was worth a dollar and it was real. It turned out to be a presidential dollar. I had only seen these in frames, I didn't realize they were in circulation too. I think I am going to keep it until a rainy day. Peace.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yea So..
Yea so I am fully aware that I am posting this at 5:30 in the moring. So what, what are you gonna do about it. Yea I have been experiencing a very awkward sleep schedule for like the past 2 weeks. Some nights I got to bed early, some nights I sleep way too much, and some nights I don't go to bed at all. I don't know why. My mama always told me my problem with going to bed is that I have to be on the verge of passing out before I will lay down and go to bed. I see what she is saying because if I'm not asleep in 20 minutes then I instinctively get back up and do stuff.
Today me and Josh rearranged our living room. Yea it sounds like something a chick would do, but so what. So what if I want to do things like that....don't judge me. Yea and I occasionally listen to songs that aren't very masculine but so what. Who are you to judge.
I worked at Hat Shack this weekend. The job can get pretty boring but there are moments that make you stop and wonder. Take this for example, it's around 8:15 on a Friday night. I'm trying to help this lady find a hat for her sons when all of the sudden I notice this couple out in front of our store. They were probably in their late 30s I'd say. These two "animals" were going at each other like it was no body's business. For like 30 seconds I am subjected to softcore mall porn while I am trying to do my job. Thankfully they left to scar some other peoples minds for a while. For those three of you who know what I'm talking about, they were 10 times worse than the Crawfish Boil couple.
So what's with this weather now a days. It's warm during the day but cold as a mo fo at night. Transitions between hot and cold weather trip me out the most. I always have to open the back door before I get dressed to leave. Either be hot or cold. Stupid global warming(disclaimer: I do not believe in global warming)
Anyways everyone, I'm not off to bed I got some laundry to do and I am gonna go through my mp3 player after that. I probably wont go to bed tonight. It will probably be sometime after my 9:00 class. Until next time-you stay lovely.
Today me and Josh rearranged our living room. Yea it sounds like something a chick would do, but so what. So what if I want to do things like that....don't judge me. Yea and I occasionally listen to songs that aren't very masculine but so what. Who are you to judge.
I worked at Hat Shack this weekend. The job can get pretty boring but there are moments that make you stop and wonder. Take this for example, it's around 8:15 on a Friday night. I'm trying to help this lady find a hat for her sons when all of the sudden I notice this couple out in front of our store. They were probably in their late 30s I'd say. These two "animals" were going at each other like it was no body's business. For like 30 seconds I am subjected to softcore mall porn while I am trying to do my job. Thankfully they left to scar some other peoples minds for a while. For those three of you who know what I'm talking about, they were 10 times worse than the Crawfish Boil couple.
So what's with this weather now a days. It's warm during the day but cold as a mo fo at night. Transitions between hot and cold weather trip me out the most. I always have to open the back door before I get dressed to leave. Either be hot or cold. Stupid global warming(disclaimer: I do not believe in global warming)
Anyways everyone, I'm not off to bed I got some laundry to do and I am gonna go through my mp3 player after that. I probably wont go to bed tonight. It will probably be sometime after my 9:00 class. Until next time-you stay lovely.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Politics for Friday
So here's another update in my world of politics. I did a little research on William Ayers and his connection to Obama. After reading a lot of stuff on the topic, some democratic, some republican, and some third party research sources; I don't see what the big deal is. Yea Ayers did some bad stuff in the 60s and 70s, but how does that link Obama to terrorism. Yea at one time he lived in the same neighborhood and did associate with him and even Ayers helped him insignificantly with running for offices, but how does that link him to terrorism and question his judgement. Here's a good analogy. say I live next door to an older guy who in the 60s murdered somebody. I talk to him and learn things from him. does that make me a sympathizer with what he did. I think not. The Republicans are running out of time so they figure to bring his character into question and scrutinize everything he has done wrong or questionable in his life. Everyone forgets that Ayers is still a distinguished professor at Illinois and has done a lot with education and its reform. I think I want a president who listens to somebody on education reform. Sarah Palin has been speaking a lot on this topic of Obama and Ayers when she did something very recently that was against the law. Yea she broke the law when she fired the public safety commissioner. I will defend her and say there are some unknowns in the case that could make it OK however Obama never broke the law. Anyways, I will finish on this note, make sure you are clean before you start throwing mud at other people. Peace.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So today is Thursday. I was sitting in my Biology class today when I realized that science is cool. Living things are too cool and learning how these things are made up and how they functions blows my mind sometimes. I am a nerd yea I know but this is some cool stuff. That's about all I got for this Thursday. Oh yea I work next Friday and Saturday at Hat Shack. It's a cool place so everyone expect hats for Christmas. Peace up, A town down.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So Halloween is coming up in a couple of weeks. I have been contemplating what to be for Halloween and I think I have come up with a great idea. First of all I want to start by saying unless you are a kid, have a kid, or are in college Halloween isn't a big deal. But for kids its the candy, for adults is about the kids, and for college students its about the drinking and dressing up. For girls this is the one year you can dress like a street walker and it be OK. For guys there is no limit to what you can be. I am going to be a tennis pro for Halloween. I am gonna wear some short whites shorts, white polo, white sweater vest, white sweat bands, tall tube socks, and white shoes. Too cool I know. I love Halloween because it gives me an excuse to buy bite size candy. Anyways early Happy Halloween to everyone.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So I was flippin through the channels and stopped on Fox News to see how the economic crisis was coming along when a story about a teacher who taped and posted a video of his students doing a Obama chant. The teacher got suspended and could face termination. The debate that took place enraged me. I don't have a problem with it knowing the information I know now. People are jumping to conclusions about the matter. We don't know enough about the situation to accurately make a decision. We don't know if the boys wanted to do it, who's idea it was, or if the teacher was just there to tape it. I came to the conclusion after watching the discussion that I don't like Fox News and more specifically Republicans. I disagree with a lot of there ideologies and think they are out of touch sometimes.
1. I support the troops in Iraq, but I feel that we don't need to be there.
2. I disagree with the trickle down policy of economic tax breaks because how often does the money actually get down to people like me. The rich get richer and regular people get little help.
3. I believe in pro choice. I don't think a president should load the Supreme Court with conservatives so that Roe v. Wade will be over turned.
4. I don't have a problem with gay people getting "married". Yea I know "marriage" is between a man and a woman, but homosexuals should have the same right as heterosexuals when it comes to making it official.
5. I just don't see how electing someone who has agreed and voted along with our current president because look where we are now. I just don't see how four more years of Republican presidency is going to benefit our country.
By the way, I'm voting for Obama.
1. I support the troops in Iraq, but I feel that we don't need to be there.
2. I disagree with the trickle down policy of economic tax breaks because how often does the money actually get down to people like me. The rich get richer and regular people get little help.
3. I believe in pro choice. I don't think a president should load the Supreme Court with conservatives so that Roe v. Wade will be over turned.
4. I don't have a problem with gay people getting "married". Yea I know "marriage" is between a man and a woman, but homosexuals should have the same right as heterosexuals when it comes to making it official.
5. I just don't see how electing someone who has agreed and voted along with our current president because look where we are now. I just don't see how four more years of Republican presidency is going to benefit our country.
By the way, I'm voting for Obama.
Hey everyone. Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I don't really have an excuse. I could use the "I have been busy" excuse, but that's not the reason. I just lost interest for a little while. Now I am back and you can expect frequent posts for a while. By the way, check out the new site I added. It's called urban dictionary. It's a cool website to find out the meaning of slang words that perplex you. Anyways, I gonna stop here, but I'll be back later. Peace
Friday, September 12, 2008
Today is Friday and i am done for the week. I have a presentation on sexual harrassment on Monday for my Business Ethics class. It's a group presentation so there are other people I have to work with.
On Tuesday of next week I have my first Biology test. Me and Josh are trying out a new study habit. We are gonna sudy two hours a day for three straight days then take the pretest then the real test. Hopefully this will work out.
I still haven't heard anything from my job. Who knows when I will actually start this job though.
Tomorrow is game day. I am glad it's on tv this week.
That's really all that is new in my life. Peace.
On Tuesday of next week I have my first Biology test. Me and Josh are trying out a new study habit. We are gonna sudy two hours a day for three straight days then take the pretest then the real test. Hopefully this will work out.
I still haven't heard anything from my job. Who knows when I will actually start this job though.
Tomorrow is game day. I am glad it's on tv this week.
That's really all that is new in my life. Peace.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Somebody to Love
So I downloaded a song by Queen that I had heard a few times, but was unclear about it. The name of the song is Somebody to Love (hence the title). I listened to it a couple of times today and I came to a realization. That song describes my life right now. So if any of you want to set me up or hook me up, go right ahead. Only thing is let's be real about the decisions we make about females. Just keep that in mind.....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hello everyone. So it pains me to say this, but I am broke. So if anyone wants to send me some money my address is:
500 Webster Road #309
Auburn, AL 36832
Any contributions can be written off as charity donations. Yes use the name National Organization for the Advancement of Caucasian College Men or NOACCM.
500 Webster Road #309
Auburn, AL 36832
Any contributions can be written off as charity donations. Yes use the name National Organization for the Advancement of Caucasian College Men or NOACCM.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Bad
Hey everybody. I just want to start by saying my bad for not posting in a while. Not having readily available internet takes a little getting used to. I have for the most part gotten that problem fixed so now I can tell you about life lately.
Today I found out that I do indeed have a job at Hat Shack. I go in on Friday to fill out some paperwork and start training. My bank account is happy I have a job now.
Today as well i became a volunteer at the Red Cross in Opelika. Long story short I went in with Josh, saw food, signed up, and ate food. Yes the only reason I am a volunteer is because I was hungry.
School is going pretty okay. I haven't had any tests so we will see how it goes from here. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing.
I did not attend this weekend's football game. I had no one to go with and it wasn't worth going and sitting alone to see that game. Instead i drank alcohol and watched Alabama play.
On a final note, this weekend marks the opening day for this year's dove season. I am attending this event in hopes of killing some sort of flying animal, but I may just be killing other things.......
Today I found out that I do indeed have a job at Hat Shack. I go in on Friday to fill out some paperwork and start training. My bank account is happy I have a job now.
Today as well i became a volunteer at the Red Cross in Opelika. Long story short I went in with Josh, saw food, signed up, and ate food. Yes the only reason I am a volunteer is because I was hungry.
School is going pretty okay. I haven't had any tests so we will see how it goes from here. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing.
I did not attend this weekend's football game. I had no one to go with and it wasn't worth going and sitting alone to see that game. Instead i drank alcohol and watched Alabama play.
On a final note, this weekend marks the opening day for this year's dove season. I am attending this event in hopes of killing some sort of flying animal, but I may just be killing other things.......
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hey people. today is the first day of class here at Auburn University. I believe it is an understatement to say that I am glad to be back. Waking up wasn't bad since I did it for 8 months. The difference from today was that I didn't have to go dig holes in the hot sun for 8 hours.
I have had one class already today and I have one more at 11:00 and then I am finished for the day. I have an hour to kill in between classes today so I thought I would catch people up to everything.
This past Saturday I attended a Braves game with my sisters and my roommate. I had a good time thanks to the Coors corporation. The Braves finally won so the game was enjoyable. Apparently some people have posted a video of me doing the YMCA and I do not appreciate it. I was taken advantage of in my moment of weakness. But anyways I guess no harm no foul.
I guess I have no news to mention. See all of you late. Peace.
I have had one class already today and I have one more at 11:00 and then I am finished for the day. I have an hour to kill in between classes today so I thought I would catch people up to everything.
This past Saturday I attended a Braves game with my sisters and my roommate. I had a good time thanks to the Coors corporation. The Braves finally won so the game was enjoyable. Apparently some people have posted a video of me doing the YMCA and I do not appreciate it. I was taken advantage of in my moment of weakness. But anyways I guess no harm no foul.
I guess I have no news to mention. See all of you late. Peace.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hey everybody. I know I haven't posted in a while, but here you go to everyone who wants to know what i have been doing this last week.
We got everything moved into our new house and it's pretty well situated. It's a little messy, and we still have things to do, but we are moved in for the most part.
I don't have a job yet but I have some options that look promising so we'll see to that.
I do have a bank account now. I am officially ballin' now. I am now taking donations to fill my account up so if you feel like donating to a charity make it the poor college student fund.
The Internet hasn't been cooperating with me at my new house. I need to call them out to fix it, but i need a new charger so my computer will work. It's kind of a catch 22 in a way.
I haven't really done a whole lot other than stay up late and sleep even later. I am getting it all out of my system this week so next week we can get down to business.
My sister is coming to see me tomorrow so I have to clean my house up for her.
We are going to a Braves game on Saturday to see them take on the Giants.
I am going to bed now because i have to get up and clean for my guest.Peace.
We got everything moved into our new house and it's pretty well situated. It's a little messy, and we still have things to do, but we are moved in for the most part.
I don't have a job yet but I have some options that look promising so we'll see to that.
I do have a bank account now. I am officially ballin' now. I am now taking donations to fill my account up so if you feel like donating to a charity make it the poor college student fund.
The Internet hasn't been cooperating with me at my new house. I need to call them out to fix it, but i need a new charger so my computer will work. It's kind of a catch 22 in a way.
I haven't really done a whole lot other than stay up late and sleep even later. I am getting it all out of my system this week so next week we can get down to business.
My sister is coming to see me tomorrow so I have to clean my house up for her.
We are going to a Braves game on Saturday to see them take on the Giants.
I am going to bed now because i have to get up and clean for my guest.Peace.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hey everybody. It's my first post in my new home. We have been busy all night unpacking and we got a pretty good ways today. We still have a lot to do but its a good start. I gotta go to bed now. Good night all talk to you soon.
My house.....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So I know I haven't posted anything since my creepy bodybuilding post (which no one commented on by the way). I don't have any real big news to share just some small things for those of you who don't talk to me everyday. So I continue to stalk the owners of our old house. The latest update on the redneckification is that two power poles were installed in the yard. I know its necessary for power but still. I also committed a crime during one of my stalks. I stole the sign to our old road. I don;t know why but I really wanted it. I probably won't return for quite a while so no more updates until further notice.
So tomorrow is Thursday which means packing day. I don't have that much heavy stuff but I am in charge of loading everything into the trailer......alone. Sadness and despair are upon me. I get payed tomorrow woot woot. I will be ballin about this time tomorrow. Friday is the big day. I have mixed emotions but I am mostly excited about going back. I wanna learn some shit. Anyways I don't know if I will have time tomorrow to post so this might me my last post from Thomasville. Happy Trails until next time.
So tomorrow is Thursday which means packing day. I don't have that much heavy stuff but I am in charge of loading everything into the trailer......alone. Sadness and despair are upon me. I get payed tomorrow woot woot. I will be ballin about this time tomorrow. Friday is the big day. I have mixed emotions but I am mostly excited about going back. I wanna learn some shit. Anyways I don't know if I will have time tomorrow to post so this might me my last post from Thomasville. Happy Trails until next time.
Monday, August 4, 2008
So I was watching a show on TLC about bodybuilding and the culture surrounding it. After watching it I just couldn't understand why. I just don't get it. What purpose is there in lifting weights and becoming as huge as possible. These guys are putting their health at risk in doing this when lifting weights is supposed to improve your health. These guys do ridiculous amounts of steroids just to say that I am the biggest most repulsive person standing up on this stage. And if you are looking for anyone to blame just go out west to California and stop by the governor's mansion and slap the hell out of Arnold. And girls are not an exception to the rule. Some women (most of them older) like take part in this freak parade. I just don't get it. There has got to be some psychological problem that goes along with this "hobby". It just confuses me, but anyways I will leave you with a few pics to reinforce my point.....
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday in the house, I think it was the 2nd of August
Yea so the title of this blog entry is stolen from a Chicago song. I think my version is muuch better. Anywho, so Friday night was very interesting. I was a little toasty before supper so the fun started early. I paced myself however and when it got dark....It was on. Yes I sampled various selections of liquor and ended up talking to my mom for about two hours about god knows what. I only spilled two secrets so it was a safe drinking night. I will change topics and leave you with this, it's a little weird when your mom has to take care of you when you've had too much to drink.
So today i am adding anothwe installment in the series "Stalking the Old House". So I got the fancy to go to Dickinson to see what was going on at our old house. When I passed by I couldn't help but notice the big ass trailer parked in the back yard and the new driveway to the big ass trailer in the back yard. Yes, the new resident of 1121 Floral Creek Road have rednecked up the place in under a month. That's got to be a record. Granted its a newer and nice trailer but's a trailer. Anyways I must be leaving now but with this thought, you can take the rednecks out of the trailer park, but some rednecks bring their trailer with them.
So today i am adding anothwe installment in the series "Stalking the Old House". So I got the fancy to go to Dickinson to see what was going on at our old house. When I passed by I couldn't help but notice the big ass trailer parked in the back yard and the new driveway to the big ass trailer in the back yard. Yes, the new resident of 1121 Floral Creek Road have rednecked up the place in under a month. That's got to be a record. Granted its a newer and nice trailer but's a trailer. Anyways I must be leaving now but with this thought, you can take the rednecks out of the trailer park, but some rednecks bring their trailer with them.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Woot Woot
So today is August 1st. That means that July is over, I have one week until I move in to my new digs in Auburn, but most of all that means I am unemployed. Yes, today is and was my last day at my current employment. After 7 months of hard work I am finally done. I have never been so happy to be unemployed. Yes it is great. Now I am a college student and no longer a laborer. The summer is drawing to an end and its almost back to school. I have never been so ready to go back to school than right now. I am looking forward to learning stuff and studying. I can do it and I will have something to remind me when I don't think I can. I got a lot of sleep and drinking to catch up on. Peace to all of you.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Weekend
So it's Sunday now and my weekend is almost over. I sure have enjoyed this time off. I got a total of 24 hours of sleep in two nights. Yea that's right. I slept a whole day's worth of hours. There is a silver lining to this weekend coming to an end though. Only 5 more days of work for me. Woot Woot
So last night I was feeling kinda stalkerish so I decided to go by our old house to see what was going on. When I passed by I noticed somer lights on in the inside but there were no cars there. So I decided to get out and look in the kitchen window. I couldn't see much other than some cleaning stuff and their didning room chairs. So then I decided to go up to the carport to see what was going on up there. There were some folding chairs and an ice chest there. So I decided to check out the contents of the ice chest. After checking it out I left with a cold can of lemonade. It was a little weird to think that I was trespassing, but oh well. Next week I will probably stalk them some more.
So last night I was feeling kinda stalkerish so I decided to go by our old house to see what was going on. When I passed by I noticed somer lights on in the inside but there were no cars there. So I decided to get out and look in the kitchen window. I couldn't see much other than some cleaning stuff and their didning room chairs. So then I decided to go up to the carport to see what was going on up there. There were some folding chairs and an ice chest there. So I decided to check out the contents of the ice chest. After checking it out I left with a cold can of lemonade. It was a little weird to think that I was trespassing, but oh well. Next week I will probably stalk them some more.
Friday, July 25, 2008
So.....Today is Friday and I'm so glad for it. Yes I like to use the cliche TGIF. Which reminds me of ABCs old Friday night scheduling. I lived for TGIF. It was the greatest night on television. I don't remember which shows were on it except for Boy Meets World. Great show.
Anywho I have only 5 more working days left. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and boy it sure is getting bigger by the day. This weekend I am going to be the sorriest individuals around. I think I deserve a little time off. Until next time.....
Anywho I have only 5 more working days left. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and boy it sure is getting bigger by the day. This weekend I am going to be the sorriest individuals around. I think I deserve a little time off. Until next time.....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
So today we officially moved all of our crap out of the old house. With all of the stuff gone you can really see that wehad a big damn house. It was a little sad to finally say my last goodbyes to the only house I have ever known (except my brief stay in Ridgewood but that's another story). The silver lining I guess is that I get to take all of the memories with me. I, however, wasn't as sad about it as I thought I was going to be. I have grown up a little in the last 7 months. I guess saying goodbye and moving on is part of growing up and I'm okay with it.
We now have a new resident at our new house. Yes, we finally caught the evasive Willie. I was a little afraid for my life when he got in the car with me. However, I can say he is safe and sound fast asleep in the chair next to me. He went from woods cat to house cat in mere hours. Charlie was not too excited that he wasn't the lap cat tonight. He bit Willie three times. Our happy family is finally complete (except for the two in North Alabama).
Oh yea, 7 more days everybody! Woo Hoo!
We now have a new resident at our new house. Yes, we finally caught the evasive Willie. I was a little afraid for my life when he got in the car with me. However, I can say he is safe and sound fast asleep in the chair next to me. He went from woods cat to house cat in mere hours. Charlie was not too excited that he wasn't the lap cat tonight. He bit Willie three times. Our happy family is finally complete (except for the two in North Alabama).
Oh yea, 7 more days everybody! Woo Hoo!
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Job
So those of you out there who are unaware, I hate my job. However, I have only 9 more days to work there. YAY!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Weekend From Hell
So for all of those who are unaware of the adventures I had this weekend here ya go.
First of all on Saturday I had to get up at 5:45 in the morning to move the rest of our shit to the lake. we did however get to eat at Fibber's so that day wasn't at total waste. Total trip time-11 hours, 30 minutes.
Sunday started off at 9:00 which wasn't too bad. First we had to deal with ants in Mama's car. Next we had to deal with getting three kitties into the car to go to Talladega. Only two of them made it (Willie you bastard). After that we had to deal with a broken transmission in Selma. Had to get towed to the Ford dealership and wait for 2 hours for Daddy and Ray to come pick us up and the trailer and proceed to Talladega. There were no real hiccups from then on except for the fact that me and Mama had to ride in the backseat of Ray's truck with the world's largest dog kennel. Seriously it could be used as a baby pen this thing is so big. All four of our cats could fit in this thing....easily. I had to drive Ray's big ass truck pulling a big ass trailer from Clanton to Thomasville. Total trip time-13 hours, 20 minutes. *Sigh* Thank God that's all over I can go to work at my favorite place tomorrow.
First of all on Saturday I had to get up at 5:45 in the morning to move the rest of our shit to the lake. we did however get to eat at Fibber's so that day wasn't at total waste. Total trip time-11 hours, 30 minutes.
Sunday started off at 9:00 which wasn't too bad. First we had to deal with ants in Mama's car. Next we had to deal with getting three kitties into the car to go to Talladega. Only two of them made it (Willie you bastard). After that we had to deal with a broken transmission in Selma. Had to get towed to the Ford dealership and wait for 2 hours for Daddy and Ray to come pick us up and the trailer and proceed to Talladega. There were no real hiccups from then on except for the fact that me and Mama had to ride in the backseat of Ray's truck with the world's largest dog kennel. Seriously it could be used as a baby pen this thing is so big. All four of our cats could fit in this thing....easily. I had to drive Ray's big ass truck pulling a big ass trailer from Clanton to Thomasville. Total trip time-13 hours, 20 minutes. *Sigh* Thank God that's all over I can go to work at my favorite place tomorrow.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The White Truck
So as we were leaving the house last night we saw the white trucked parked at its new owner's house. We did some calculating on the cost to drive and here's what we came up with. It was purchased new for $7,000, driven for 17 years, and was sold for $1,000. That equals out to around $352 not counting repairs and such. However, that pretty efficient. We got our money's worth for sure on that vehicle.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hey Everybody
hey people out there (mainly Buffy and Celia). i did it, i sold my soul to the blogging devil. i am official now so expect to here from me soon and often.
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